Privacy Policy

1. Personal Data

Personal data refers to the information that can identify an individual when it is used separately or in combination with other information. Such data will be collected from you when you use our website, products or services or interact with us, or acquired by recording your interaction with our website, products or services, for example, through technologies such as the Cookies. The data that we collect depends on the website that you visit or the products or services you use, which may include your name, address, email address, phone number and other personal data. We collect such personal data to reach you, so as to provide corresponding services (including commercial services) or send important notices and commercial electronic notices to you.

2. Privacy Policy

Jiangsu Sinopep Allsino Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd.Biotechnology Ltd. and its affiliates worldwide (hereinafter referred to as “Sinopep”, “We” or “Our”) are deeply aware of the significance of personal data to our clients and users. Therefore, Sinopep has attached great importance to the protection of the personal data of our clients and users, and taken a series of measures to ensure that relevant businesses comply with the applicable personal data protection requirements (including General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)).

2.1 Sinopep has established an emergency response mechanism for personal data leakage. In the event of personal data leakage, Sinopep will immediately initiate the emergency response process in an effort to reduce the loss that may be caused by such leakage and ensure that the affected personnel are properly notified.

2.2. Sinopep has established a continuous privacy policies training mechanism for employees to ensure that every employee involved in the GDPR can accurately understand the legal principles of data protection based on their specific job responsibilities, and strictly implement the systems and processes applicable to the company.

2.3 For compliance, Sinopep has implemented necessary audits on the processes for personal data protection.

3. Policy Update

Sinopep reserves the right to update or modify the Policy from time to time. In case of anychange in the Policy, we will release the latest version here. In case of any material change to the Privacy Policy, we may also send you a notice of the change through different channels such as a public website notice or an individual notice.

The Privacy Policy was released on March 20, 2024, and it has taken effect from the date of release.